The reason I believe my Power Page is the best product in horse racing is as follows: The Power Page’s stimulate good handicapping and a fair chance to win and I demonstrate it’s effectiveness everyday!
You never hear handicapper’s prove their own product, just the opposite! They realize pretty soon, that are making selections, but winning isn’t something they actually can succeed at, even at the theoretical level. I have yet to see a handicapping product that actually is a winner — even with their Best Bet. I have tracked numerous experts, but in the end, the grind just makes it impossible for them. Meanwhile the Power Page STAR horses are incredible, and my selections on Race Day, coming right off the daily Power Page are winning for this entire year at better than $1.25 per $1.00 wagered! I’d love for someone to show me a handicapper, whose BEST BET can reach break-even…
Really, forget the rest, go with the Power Pages or KHSS…Both are great — all they need is a little common sense from you!!!