Improve your handicapping, start with the Power Page…Need a handicapper's opinion, try the Key Horse Selection Sheet — both great products for great customers.

August 12, 2010 What is the difference between the Power Page and the Key Horse Selection Sheet?  This frequently asked question goes to the heart of the handicapping/selection discussion.  The Power Page is a detailed study of the recent form of a horse, in speed figures.  I call that number the PPN –Projected Power Number …

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Congrats to Zenyatta and her connections…Here at the Power Page we love you and your amazing heart!

August 8,2010 Top Rated horses have finished (1st or 2nd) 154 out of 295 times — from June 25th through July 18th. Every race with least 1 rated starter was counted at both Belmont and Hollywood Park during this period. This means that the TOP-RATED horses emulate the frequency of being a favorite without always …

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