Wednesday’s Power Page and KHSS for Aqueduct and Hollywood are now available for download…

12/14/2011   Star horses on Sunday didn’t win very much, but they ran several 2nd including pricey Let’s Go Cheyenne, Lovestealer, Chokecherymarie and Lovely Sophia to go with low priced winner Victory Cup, once again prove my point.  Find good looking or improving horses (as the STAR’s try to indicate), and when they have an …

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Saturday’s Power Page and KHSS for Aqueduct and Hollywood are now available for download…

12/10/2011 The Big A race track played a touch funky again today, providing some doduble digit payoffs, with some hard-to-get-to plays.   None the less, someone managed to figure it correctly and took down some 250G for the Pick-6.  The two hardes for me were to focus a single or doubleton on Ever A Friend …

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