Reprint from Friday – a great concept in building advantages!!!
Using the “Q” horse to help you “BET AGAINST” a favorite is absolutely correct in my opinion. Naturally, when we BET AGAINST anything, we expect to win — but it doesn’t always happen that way. And we take a lump or two. But let’s face it, this puts us on higher priced horses — so when we win, we should win back against the “Q” that beat us. It would be my estimate that the Q’s will win only about 1 in 4 times with the actual favorites winning more like 1 in 3 times. This gives us another accumulated advantage to our bankroll.
One other thing about “Q” favorites, the ones that do win will often be heavily bet, and then simply makes them more enticing to bet against, but MONEY does show something and we have to take a knock here and there, but for an additional advantage being put in my bankroll, it’s well worth it…