WE had a distinct pattern this week at both Aqueduct and Hollywood with our Top rated horses hitting the number at a very high rate. Of the 61 races at Aqueduct & Hollywood, my top rated horse ran 1st or 2nd 33 times. This is not uncommon right now and hopefully will continue at Aqueduct. Hollywood will be coming to an end this weekend and the next stop is Santa Anita, which will present some new challenges as is typical with the start of any meet. What I really liked about today’s fine results was out of the 17 races run, the top 2 rated horses ran 1st and 2nd or 2nd and 1st in 7 of the races. As any handicapper knows, it’s important to use many points of view in your analysis, but in the case of the Power Page, we present racing, with a distinct slant towards the more current form of the horses. When handled by an astute handicapper, making decisions that range away from the bias of the Power Page should be explained by both an opinion and a price that supports…