The reason I believe my Power Page’s is the best product in horse racing is the following: The Power Page’s stimulate good handicapping and a fair chance to win!
Since the beginning of this year, I have given out 108 plays on Race Day Las Vegas, non of them STAR horses, and have won at a ROI of $1.30 per $1.00 wagered (+ $152.80, – $116.00 ). It’s simple and it’s honest, as the plays are given out in the morning, then they run later in the afternoon! The Proof of the pudding is always in the eating. Beyond this handicapping success, which anyone can do, my STAR horses for the past week produced a flat bet profit — winning of $108.00 at a cost of $84.00 — producing a winning ROI of $1.26 per $1.00 wagered…
I will continue to report these results and hopefully, you and some of your friends will be on board…