Firstly, a weather report from right near Belmont Park. The weather was sporting periodic – light to moderate rain through Friday morning. By mid-day it stopped raining and in the early evening the weather has turned very nice. I fully expect Belmont to be FAST on the Main Track and the Turf courses might be Yielding or Good. I don’t think it rained enough for the Turf courses to be listed Soft.
The cards at both tracks are amazing. We have plenty of front line performers and an even bigger group of near the top performers. So this could be one great day to start thinking about who is going to be a major player come BC Day at the end of October… Here is an idea, tune into Ralph Siraco’s Race Day Las Vegas, I sent Ralph an overview of each of the critical Stake races, there are some great BET-AGAINSTS and some good plays to consider…