As many of you, who are Race Day Las Vegas listenes know, I have started a feature — the Mystery Value Play. These are horses that must have a big price attached to them – so they are most likely to be LOW FREQUENCY types of plays. Often a handicapper will see some obvious flaws in the horse, but from a perspective of the Power Page these horses should be used in your exotics or even be the Key horse from time to time… I am simply trying to get YOU to look beyond the top two horse before you make your final decision… If I may “RED BOARD” a perfect example of a probably MVH occurred in the final race at Los Alamitos on Sunday. Paralyszing Eyes was rated 2nd on the Power Page — actually ran 2nd palying a whopping $23.00 to place ! Now here is the interesting aspect of the play, I picked my Top Rated horse, Pat Picked the winner Acategoryfivestorm (who actually won paying $6.20) and Ed B. picked yet another horse – Afternoon Weekend. So the value question is pretty obvious that you can make a big difference in your bankroll with a $23.00 place horse — naturally with Acategoryfivesstorm as the fav – you would likely have a nice exaca with Paralyzng Eyes …
The point is simple, we should all spend some of our handicapping energy, looking deep into the race and including some of these longshots — if not to bet as your Key to include in the exotics… If any of us had done that on Sunday, we would have had two chances (out of a few possibilites) to cash… For those of you who were following Pat’s selection, you ch=ould easily have made a nice exacta with Paralyzing Eyes… For those of you who made a nice win/place bet on PE, then you could have picked up an exacta with the fav – who was Acategoryfivestorm…. My point again — including chancy but value rich horses in your play makes great sense to your pocketbook… But as I remind you — these long price wonders to hit at a Lower Frequency….