Friday’s (3-6-2015) Power Page and KHSS for Aqueduct and Santa Anita are ready for download…

Take two…  At the Big A we are hoping they can take advantage of nice weather – although cold — to get this Pick 6 in  and confirm a commitment to winter racing.  The winter racing has been steady and reliable since 1977 on the Inner Dirt, but with this management crew, they have gone too far in their cautious approach.   Oddly enough, over the past weekend, they ran on days when the snowy conditions, left visibility impaired for the viewers.  But it looked like it was fine for the horses and the jockeys.  That’s because their eyes are working just fine.  My point is simple, they have canceled in the past on perfectly nice days and then been forced to run on days that were in fact much more questionable.   Cold weather– above 20 degrees – is not an excuse for canceling racing.

By the way, this is a fun card at Aqueduct…


Santa Anita keeps carding great racing…  My stretchout horse, Preordained ran fine, but couldn’t get the added distance, his price of 5/1 was okay.  Mahalo Pirncess raced as if she has some aches and pains…