Monday’s (3-3-2014) Power Page and KHSS for Aqueduct are ready for download…

I suppose in a perfect world of understanding, I would list each horse in its exact order from top to bottom in every race.    Of course if that possible, and I knew how to do it, you would never see it – for obvious reasons.  But what makes the Power Page useful information as opposed to a selection sheet.  In normal handicapping, the handicapper uses differing feelings and intuition to go with weighing handicapping ideas and facts to build a case for betting a particular horse.  And it would be perfectly valid if the handicapper used different handicapping ideas for one race and then reversed their position in the next – for whatever reasons the handicapper deemed appropriate at the moment…  The Power Page DOES NOT WORK THAT WAY.


In fact it is totally un-engineered!  The Power Page uses the same basic analysis on each situation for each horse culminating in a basic bias toward the more recent races…  The analysis is as much “the same” today as it was yesterday, as it was 1 year ago, as it was before that.  The source of the product is my Speed figures that out perform for me, any other speed figures in the market…  For this reason, you can use the Power Page and an important element in your handicapping, but as the handicapper, you are advised not to get stuck on betting just the top 1 or 2 rated horses…


Good Luck