ON Friday at Saratoga, we had a wonderful day. With 2 STAR horses, one winning at $10.40 and the other running a solid 2nd in a “cold exacta of our top two rated horses, in the 9th today. Beyond the STAR horses, our “V” horses had a terrific day as well, with a total of 4 “v” horse, with one running a beautiful placing, paying $8.00 to place.
So what about, Saturday. YOu should definately pick up the Power Page for both Saratoga and Del Mar. Here is why, there are a total of 23 races, plenty of over-subscribed fields, with lot’s o f complexity. IF you are going to play, having an informational based product – such as the Power Page, you can manage your risk – as you go race to race. Here is something else to consider a total of 21 STAR & “V” horses over both cards. In some cases, the races are so difficult that we have “multiple” alerts, suggesting wider spreads…