Sunday’s (11-25-2012) Power Page and KHSS for Aqueduct and BF-Hollywood are ready for download…

I’m keeping the blog a little light tonight.  I was sorry to see Groupie Doll get run down by a lesser but very nice horse, Stay Thirsty.  But that’s what happens when they do too mcu and it’s one of the excellent reasons not to worry if your betting the “best horse”, all that matter …

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Saturday’s (11-24-2012) Power Page and KHSS for Aqueduct and BF-Hollywood are ready for download…

Saturday’s card at Aqueduct is a biggy with Groupie Doll headlining in the Cigar Mile.  Beyond that is the Remsen and the Demoiselle for 2 year olds with an eye on bigger things in the future.  Back in the day, these races were major stepping stones to the Triple Crown and Triple Tiara.  No so …

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