Protecting the grass courses… no love here…
While Gulfstream has been a life saver to many of us, during this time of “shelter in place”, the only negative for me, it the willingness to pull races off the turf course. They have the ability to have 3 separate courses running simultaneously… to the Turf course don’t take a beating – as with more typical track configurations. Maybe this is due to the cirucmstances of this pandemic period, because the track should be more willing to move the rails during the week, if need be… but they never do. Even though this might represent extra work, it also would be a further commitment to their players…
I grew up, with Yielding and Soft conditions as a basic accepted practice in turf racing. Now, if the course has a little too much give… boom they are “off the turf”, this is something I truly do not appreciate…
Card a grass race… run a grass race!
Daily Menu:
Gulfstream – Jerry J’s Power Page Classic
Santa Anita – Jerry J’s Power Page Classic & PLUS