Sunday’s (4-1-2012) Power Page and KHSS for Santa Anita is now available for download…

Sometimes handicapping seems so very easy, but other times it is very confounding!    At times we have two horses we like and we always seem to pick the other one, if you know what I mean.   How about bad trips, check out the Florida Derby, what say you, did Union Rags have a bad trip, or was he hanging when he had a chance to do some running.   And does it matter?   Well, we will try to answer these questions and others and then see if we should be betting on or against union Rags as we go along. As for my opinion on Union Rags is he had a very good trip, covered up and on the inside.  The speed separated  from Union Rags, Rags was NOT quickening with the leaders!  Then he wouldn’t run up between horses, finally he got to the outside of horses and he did level off some.   He looks like he wants more distance.   I don’t think this is going to make me want to follow him going forward at under 10/1 in the KD…


As for my handicapping, my second best horse at nearly 10/1 won today at Santa Anita, same thing yesterday at Santa Anita, while at Aqueduct, we ran into a negative speed bias, which happens sometimes on WET/Good tracks at Aqueduct.