Thursday’s (11-10-2016) Power Page and PLUS for Aqueduct are ready for download…

Arrogate produced an electrifying run, to upset the amazing California Chrome,   a race that showed  both horses as real champions.  With this  victory, Arrogate sets himself up to possibly achieve the title of “A GREAT HORSE”, which is the highest honor I can bestow upon a horse. Horse’s who have achieved that status — in my book — include Secretariat, Seattle Slew, Affirmed, Alydar,  Personal Ensign, Zenyatta, Ruffian, Forego, Cigar and Spectacular Bid… We shall see if Arrogate is the next one to achieve this lofty status… (Please note, these are from my lifetime of horse racing, I agree there are many from before my era and certainly Citation belongs), and there are a few others that might deserve  such consideration, so please offer your opinion on this, I will answer each e-mail and give each proper consideration.

Also please note, that Lady Eli ran a winning race, she got snapped on the wire by a 3 year old that really loved our American Racing.  It was hard to see (that would be for ME TO SEE) that Queen’s Trust would be able to vanquish Lady Eli should  Lady Eli run her race.  It appears she very much ran a terrific race, what would be expected to be a winning race, but the Queen was better today… Note here is another example of a 3 year old stepping up to beat an older horse, who by any measure was a superior race horse.  Maybe one notch below a GREAT Racehorse Status… 

I hope you enjoyed the Breeders Cup with me and I hope you cashed plenty of winners, but the best play was in the first at Santa Anita when Kitten’s Cat ducked running on Friday against Oscar Performance, who he competed very well against to take on a relatively easy group on the opening race at 6.5 down the Hillside Turf course…  Kitten’s Cat was off at 5/1 and I was hoping he would stay above Even Money…   This horse payed a 500% premium in my opinion…It was a wonderful Breeders’ Cup…

Sunday’s Pop Out Keys produce 2 winners and 1 place out of 6 total Pop Out Keys (which includes Featured Plays – as always)…  We started off with a POK in the first at Belmont that paid $9.20, then caught Holiday’s Stone in the 6th who paid $6.20.  Our total winnings were $14.40 at a cost of $12.00, which ain’t bad… it just seems fair — compared to the results of the last two weeks… but as they say, a winner is a winner and we were winners once again with our Pop Out Keys!

Saturday’s Pop Out Keys, were — AMAZING — especially at Belmont… With Pirellone ($54.40) winning the 5th and Frostmourne winning the 6th (at $9.10) creating a $294.00 Daily Double.   Then we had a pedestrian winner in Arewehavingfunyet at Santa Anita paying $5.20… So lets go to the totals for Saturday… Total Pop Out Keys = 7,  Total winnings $68.80…  (By the way, at Santa Anita, I had only 1 STAR horse on the entire card, Show Me Da Lute, a winner paying $14.20)…

Friday’s Pop Out Keys, were simply terrific – again – and it’s been every day for the past two weeks.  We had a total of 2 at Belmont and 3 at Santa Anita.  At Belmont,  Candy Genovesa won paying $8.80 ( in a 4 horse field) and Monster Mash ran 2nd. Then at Santa Anita, our Pop Out Key (and Star horse) – Shane’s Girlfriend (she is fast) – in the 8th ran a winning race paying $18.20.  The other P-O-Ks were Drinks at Sunset and Cast and Blast.  Cast and Blast ran well in my opinion…  So that’s $27.00 in the kicker and only an outlay of a $10ski…  Again, 2 winner and 1 place out of 5 P-O-Ks…

Just look down the list below and you should get the idea…

Thursday’s Pop Out Keys, were terrific again…  Winning 2 out of 3 at Belmont featuring Samdi Sky in the 4th paying $7.00 and True Charm winning the 5th paying $22.80. Then at Santa Anita we only had 2 Pop Out Keys, with Molly’s Honour placing… so we had 2 winners and 1 place from 5 Pop Out Keys…

Wednesday’s  Pop Out Keys produce the boon winner Big Mara a prompt and easy winner at $10.60.  The other Pop Out Keys all ran even races, but basically it cost $8.00 to play them and return once again was a winner…  How about this.  The Top Rated horses won the 7th,8th & 9th races producing a late Pick 3 that Paid $599.90/$2.00…

Sunday’s Pop Out Keys with 5 winners from 7 Pop Out Keys — were even better than Saturday… At Belmont we had 3 Pop Out Keys (including my FP) with 2 winners, Hunter’s Riley and Roca Roja, then at Santa Anita we had 4 Pop Out Keys (including our FP) with 3 winners, all of which came in consecutive races 4 thru 6 — Student Body Left, Filly on Fire and Joe’sgoldenholiday — they all won, that Pick 3 paid $219/$1 – COLD!  That totals out to 7 Pop Out Keys with 5 winners…  and over the week we had 11 winners and 6 places from 25 total Pop Out Keys… (or 17 of 25  firsts or 2nds)…  again, we are talking RESULTS!

Saturday’s Pop Out Keys were fabulous once again! With 2 plays producing 1 winner at Belmont, then at Santa Anita we had 4 Pop Out Keys producing 2 Winners…including the lovely 5/1 Deep Considerations in the 2nd…  So over the past three days we had 6 winners and 6 place results from 18 total Pop Out Keys (which includes my Feature Plays)…  That’s what I am talking about…when I say my products are backed with results…because we have seen these have included cashing on prices, not just favs…

Friday’s  Pop Out Keys (which include Featured Plays)  were very good again with a total of 6 producing —  1 winner paying $17.80 and 4 placings.  That’s a hit rate of 5 of 6 if you use the place position in your plays.

Thursday’s  Pop Out Keys were fabulous with 2 winners and 2 place out of at total of 6.  Including the very big priced T. Loves A Fight (placing) in our EXIT race at Belmont and our Pop Out Key’s won the 7th and 8th at Santa Anita, again taking us home with $$$ in our pockets!

 (Pop Out Keys are a feature on the Jerry J’s Power Page PLUS

What do they say, “The proof of the pudding is in the eating!” 

My products are backed with results!


Final results for all categories at the Saratoga and Del Mar meets combined?

(Star horses have been a hallmark of my products since 1998 and appear on the JJPP-Classic and JJPP-Plus)

Total STAR horses = 213…. Total $$$ won (if you bet $2.00 on each one ) = $614.00… Cost is only $426.00… Profit of $188.00…

ROI is $1.44 per $1.00 played…

For TOP-RATED horses on the JJPP-PLUS for both Del Mar and Saratoga — a $2.00 win bet on every TOP RATED horse   since the beginning of both meets, BET THEM ALL, thru today — you would have won $1,330.20 at a cost of only $1,346.00.

The ROI is a positive $.99 per $1.00 wagered

For TOP-RATED horses on the Classic JJPP for both Del Mar and Saratoga — a $2.00 win bet on every TOP RATED horse since the beginning of both meets, BET THEM ALL, thru today — you would have won $1,256.90 at a cost of only $1,252.00.

(In this tabulation I do not include races with greater  than 1/3 of the  field are first time starters, unless the TOP Rated horse is a STAR horse) ( I do not include Turf races that have been transferred to the Main track, the one exception is a Top Rated horse with a STAR).

The ROI is a positive $1.003 per $1.00 wagered

(All updates  include all races for both meets from 7-15-2016 to 9-5-2016)

With the JJPPs, when it’s our turn to win, we simply do not miss — no zig — no zag!


 Bias report

Aqueduct (11-09-2016)  HOnest for both the Main Track and Turf….

Del Mar

Race Day Las Vegas Section —

Wednesday’s  Plays

Aqueduct Race #3 Read The Dream off at 2/1… broke well enough and tracked holding position in and amongst horses, slightly hard to handle, moved to the outside on the turn came running, was in 3rd position when urged with a strong left hand and responded, but couldn’t catch Bene who was now long gone… but easily got the PLACE and made the exacta.

Race # 6  Forever In Love off at 5/1… showed little speed and settled back in last, moved a little on the far turn, was covered up while starting a slight rally, got clear about 3/16th out, but didn’t have any real punch…

Total Return     $900.00

Total  Cost          $ 802.00

ROI 1.12 per $1.00 played…