Wedensday’s (12-09-2015) Power Page for Aqueduct is now ready for download…

Sunday’s Race Day Plays:

Aqueduct  Race #7 : Elmutahid — ran terrible, I expect more when I pick a K. Mclaughlin runner…

Los Alamitos  Race #5 :  Player’s Charm  – off at nearly 7/11 placed in a persevering effort, not a match for the heavily bet down Jonny’s Choice.


Starting the “Inner Dirt Track Season”:

Some ideas come to mind when I think of the Inner Dirt track.

  1. It’s a Horse for Course type track,
  2. It’s fabulous when the weather is very cold.
  3. Inside posts at 6 furlongs is a little challenging, except when there is a STRONG Inside speed day.
  4. Outside Post going 1 Mile is really difficult.
  5. The track can get a little goofy when there is a thaw that comes after a deep freeze…
  6. One of the best tracks to play!