Proving the effectiveness of a Handicapping product is always a difficult but essential thing. Here is my proof for you for believing and using the Power Page. I win using the Power Page – in thee public handicapping forum — making two selectiosn each day on Ralph Siraco’s Race Day Las Vegas radio show. Just the way I ask you to use it, is exactly how I use it to make selections on Ralph’s show and I do NOT even use my best stuff! I SAVE my best stuff (Star horses and Early Speed advantages) for paying customers or those who visit Stations Casino, Fiesta Casinos or The Rampart! Here is essentially what I do it’s simple and as I am proving each day, effective ! Since 12/26/2011 on Ralph’s Race Day Las Vegas radio show, I have made 38 picks at a cost of $76.00 that have returned a total of $97.60 showing a positive ROI of $1.28 per $1.00 wagered!
Here is what I do:
a) I get up in the morning, get my Power Pages — go to the track websites for scratches, changes and the morning line!
b) I look at the races with STAR horses and eliminate them from the process — just for the purpose of the Free public picks. (For my own wagering, I put more $$$ on these)
c) I look at the 3 top rated horses in each race and jot down the morning line odds, then I see which appeals to me the most! Just intuitive, no formulas.
d) I then look at my Past Performance material and if I like the look of the first one, then that’s my selections. If I don’t like the look, I go to my next choice and the next until it has a decent feel!
(One caveat, I don’t micromanage with tiny little handicapping edges, I tend to simply trust the PPN’s from the Power Page rather then workouts and the like!)
Here is my final comment, the Power Page is a handicapping assistant, and you should be making adjustments and decisions. But they should be minimal, because you simply don’t want to take something that is so very powerful and whittle away at the numbers with less powerful information. I have shown over and over again the many advantages the Power Page offers.