Saturday’s (4-13-2013) Power Page and KHSS for Aqueduct and Santa Anita and EXIT PLAY are ready for download…

To Order the EXIT PLAY…just click on  Video EXIT PLAY Schedule  —>  then find SATURDAY’s for either New York or So. Cal…


What’s in the EXIT PLAY package:

The EXIT PLAY for Aqueduct inclues 1) A Key Horse Selection Sheet for Aqueduct, 2) An EXIT PLAY for Aqueduct and 3) A Video short discussion of  The Toyota Bluegrass Stakes with a suggested play… cost $2.50

The EXIT PLAY for Santa Anita  1) A Key Horse Selection Sheet for Santa Anita, 2) An EXIT PLAY for Santa Anita and 3) A Video short discussion of The Arkansas Derby with a suggested play… cost $2.50